More and more specialists and chemists have become interested in the great effects that colloidal silver might have upon the human organism. Even if colloidal silver appeared in the spotlight in the recent years (due to the apparition of numerous colloidal silver products on the specialized market), this supplement was used in the previous centuries as an actual medicine, as an antibiotic or as natural antifungal, to be exact.
There are many elaborated researches and studies that have proven the fact that silver is a top microelement that has important functions for the well functioning of our internal organs. As a matter of fact, silver is part of our bodies, since every 100 g of dry tissue includes around 0,002 mg of silver. Many specialists sustain that in case of a silver deficiency, the immune system is the one that suffers, as viruses and bacteria are allowed to enter and to install in the organism quite easily. Based on this fact, it can be said that the colloidal silver has the role of strengthening the immune system, reinforcing it and protecting the organism from various infections and diseases that are caused by pathogen cells like viruses or bacteria.
Besides the mentioned role, colloidal silver has been used for centuries in the case of minor or severe wounds. Silver bandages have been used in the wound treatment and proved to be very efficient. As opposed to conventional drugs, the colloidal silver is absorbed very fast, due to the fact that its particles are very small (nanoparticles). Even if colloidal silver is absorbed rapidly, this does not mean that it gets deposited in the human organism. As a matter of fact, colloidal silver is eliminated rapidly and it does not form compounds with other substances that can be found in the human body.
There are many patients that suffer from various types of medical conditions and who are intolerant to penicillin. In this case, the need to find other antibiotics that can lead to health restoration is vital. And this is precisely why the colloidal silver is gaining more importance and popularity in the modern world.
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