Friday, October 29, 2010

The world's largest hedge fund is making a ton of money this year

From Pragmatic Capitalism:

There is a great article in today’s Wall Street Journal regarding Bridgewater (the world’s largest hedge fund) and how they’ve managed to guide a $86 billion fund through this market. Their flagship fund is up an astounding 38% this year. How did they do it?

They’re betting on what Ray Dalio, the firms founder, calls the “d process” – the de-leveraging process. Ray Dalio has long said that the global economy was experiencing its first real de-leveraging since the great depression and he’s been putting his money where his mouth is by betting on...

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More on hedge funds:

Top fund manager Fleckenstein: Gold could soar to $8,250

Top manager Ainslie: Tech stocks are cheapest in 20 years

Top fund manager Tilson: "Crazy" bond market is creating big values in stocks

View the original article here

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