Titanium jewelry possesses many fine attributes, which makes it a worthy choice for us. Choosing its outstanding qualities for ourselves can without question fashion our titanium choices with excellence in our gifts to others. The traditional precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum are not the end-all of exceptional selections.
Titanium's high resistance to corrosion protects its luster and keeps it from tarnishing hand over fist above the ability of the others. We can predict in fact that gold and silver bracelets, for instance, will in time lack their distinct luminosity, diminishing the brilliance we bought the jewelry for. The oxygen we live on affects the metals chemically, fading their color. And if we wear the jewelry more than we store it, the perspiration from our bodies speeds up this process.
The hypoallergenic nature of titanium adds to our desire to buy the jewelry, especially for people whose skin reacts adversely to traditional precious metals; silver and gold is often mixed with nickle, which many people are allergic to. Titanium very rarely reacts with biological tissues and its alloys, and choosing it allays the pain and suffering of allergies.
Titanium's durability and scratch resistance exceeds the other metals by quite a margin. We can engage in outdoor activities with no thought of damaging our rings and things, even in water sports. When we wear our silver and gold, our caution compels us to remove the items during many activities to prevent us from defacing the jewelry with scratches or worse. We can avoid such inconveniences when we select titanium jewelry for our everyday wear. An enjoyable aspect of titanium promotes comfort with its strength to weight ratio. The much stronger titanium as compared to silver and gold is also a lot lighter than they are; even steel loses out to our long enduring titanium.
The fashion setters wear titanium jewelry. Its newness and versatility in the industry has created dynamic and innovative combinations with silver, gold, and also gems. The jewelers can engrave it, can manifest the illustrious finish the same as with the traditional adornments. Unlike gold and silver, a jeweler can add color to men's titanium rings or men's titanium bracelets with anodization.
Resource Box
The author, Timothy G. Cochran, writes freelance articles and more. Because of interests in Jewelery and internet marketing, he has written for SilverWOW!, the owner of a popular Unique Mens Jewelry, for over a year. SilverWOW! sells a selection of ( http://www.silverwow.net/ ) Mens Unique Bracelets & Chains and specializes in Heavy Designs ( http://www.silverwow.net/mens-chunky-silver-necklaces.html ). Tim has been writing for a couple of decades. Anyone and everyone may republish this article in part or in full as long as none of the wording is changed and the original Resource Box stays intact, unchanged, and is included with the article when any part of it is republished, anywhere. ~Tim Cochran
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