Sunday, October 24, 2010

Must-read: Market veteran Art Cashin on the coming hyperinflation

From Zero Hedge:

We present today's thoughts by Art Cashin on the coming hyperinflation (and no, it does not mean very high inflation - it means a complete and total collapse in the monetary system - which is what Ben Bernanke is attempting to achieve), without commentary.


(Today we will revisit one of the most devastating economic events in recorded history.It all began with the efforts of a few, well-intentioned government officials.)

Originally, on this day (-2) in 1922, the German Central Bank and the German Treasury took an inevitable step in a process which had begun with their previous effort to "jump start" a stagnant economy. Many months earlier they had decided that what was needed was easier money. Their initial efforts brought little response. So, using the governmental "more is better" theory they simply created more and more money.

But economic stagnation continued and so did the money growth...

Read full article...

More on hyperinflation:

Buy gold, silver, and tiny bottles of scotch

Legendary trader Vic Sperandeo sees serious risk of hyperinflation

Porter Stansberry: U.S. is headed for one of the worst inflations in history

View the original article here

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