Friday, November 26, 2010

Marc Faber: "China and the U.S. are on a collision course"

From Zero Hedge:

Marc Faber was on Bloomberg TV sharing his thoughts on China's fifth RRR tightening in 2010. While the man whose on the ground perspective affords him a good sense of what is really happening, does not anticipate major adverse developments out of the recent round of tightening posturing, he does warn that unless China manages to control commodity inflation, things could get ugly, essentially reiterating what Albert Edwards said yesterday.

"Inflation is a dangerous situation everywhere in the world. I think in general that Consumer Price Indices published by China and the US do not reflect the real cost of living that households in these countries have. In Emerging Economies it is worse in...

Read full article (with video)...

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Marc Faber: A major market "turning point" is coming

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View the original article here

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