Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Ten ways to invest without touching stocks or bonds

From Frugal Dad:

Until late 2008, most adults were more than happy to dump their investment cash into the stock market. However, financial upheaval ripped the rose-colored glasses off most investors. It's not that the stock market can't make money when times are tight; it's that most people just don’t understand enough about stocks to ride the tumultuous waves all the way to clearer skies.

Luckily, if you have a spare $1,000 to invest, here are 10 ways to make a strong return without putting a dime in the stock market.

1. Win the Grocery Game

As of Fall 2010, financial experts are extremely concerned about significant inflation. While you can easily cut back on incidental expenses, you still have to eat. Putting your $1,000 into...

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More on investing:

The best ways to speculate on higher inflation

Why professional money managers are almost always terrible

Top trader Gartman: The investing mistake you must never, ever make

View the original article here

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