Thursday, November 25, 2010

China could be betting against a U.S. housing recovery


This just might be the chart of the year. Chinese buying U.S. government agency bonds.

... Data released last week show buying fell off a cliff in September. In fact, China sold a net $26.3 billion in agency bonds during the month.

This is China's largest monthly net sale ever (by far). And could be a sign China is betting against any kind of U.S. housing recovery.

Agency bonds are issued by government entities mainly in the housing finance sector. Such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, both controversial entities during the financial crisis that were eventually bailed out by the government.

As the chart shows...

Read full article (with chart)...

More on housing:

The shocking CNBC headline of the day

A must-read for anyone who's thinking about buying a new house

Real estate insider: Housing crash will surpass the Great Depression

View the original article here

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