EPA has established several limits regarding exposure of humans to certain materials that may concern many health areas. Studies suggest that there are no health risks associated with the silver that may lead to internal problems except for cosmetic effects known as argyria due to which it has an RfD. It is not any health disease but only a very rare phenomenon involving discoloring of the skin. Silver toxicity is recognized to be very low and for this reason the existing RfD for silver was changed in 1991 by EPA. With new RfD the MCL or maximum containment level was replaced by a secondary maximum containment level of silver in drinking water that suggest 0.1 ppm. This new range is twice as much as described in maximum containment level.
The EPA RfD or oral reference dose is expressed I mg/kg-day unit and the dosage depends on the normal body weight of a person. The RfD is basically an estimate of how much silver can be exposed to people per day which will not cause any sort of health risk. The EPA RfD thus established is around .005mg/kg-day. if we take a person's weight to be 70 kg then he can take almost 0.350 mg/kg-day for his entire life without having any risk. The silver content should not exceed 100 micrograms of silver in a liter and at this level, according to EPA water drinking standards; the possibility of skin discoloration is avoidable.
Can colloidal silver cause one to feel ill?
When a good supplement such as advanced colloidal silver is used, its balanced mixture of silver particles allows silver particles to be absorbed quickly and efficiently into the blood stream. The size of these particles is very small and provides a large surface area. This, in turns increases the probability of silver reaching single cell organisms and destroying them. Since there are so many particles of silver they attack and kill the microorganisms, a large amount of toxins accumulate in the blood stream. Due to this reason the body uses different methods to clean he blood which can make a person feel ill accompanied with slight fever. The body usual mechanism of excreting the waste in blood is through urine but with higher toxicity due to dead microorganisms body changes may cause slight diarrhea in order to flush the toxins. In case of larger toxins other modes of excretion i.e. lungs or sweating can also be used. Now all these activities can make you a little uncomfortable but don't worry the body will be quite clean afterwards from those darn bugs. In the beginning small amounts of colloidal silver can lesson the discomfort. Usual time period for this illness to end ranges from an hour to a day or two.
A thing to remember here is that when higher amount of advanced colloidal silver is used then live culture yogurt or acidophilus supplement should also be taken so that the intestines are supplied with good bacteria which are lost due to the action of silver articles on all single cell microorganisms.
Peter Salazar's source for quality supplements is http://www.utopiasilver.com.
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